Welcome back for part two of Time Travelers Weekend at Florida Renaissance Festival 2018! In part 2, we meet mystical beings, pirates, knights and travelers from all over space and time! Be sure to catch up and watch part one! Music used: Stopping By the Inn by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (http://ift.tt/1bFo3O7) Source: http://ift.tt/1WrHShk Artist: http://ift.tt/1NOhxSZ Hi! My name is Jackie and I am Super Enthused! Join me on weekly adventures to theme parks, historic sites, nerdy activities, road trips, comic shops, food & drink tastings, off-the-beaten-path Florida (and beyond!) and more. My goal is to share adventures that both entertain and inform! I strive to provide tips, reviews, recommendations, background and insider information, and travel inspiration! If you have requests or recommendations, please send them my way. Lots of fun & exciting plans on the horizon so please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and hit the notification icon to share in the fun!! Thank you all for watching and for your support! Web: www.superenthused.com Twitter: @jackie_bluebird Instagram: @superenthused https://youtu.be/FJ8zVu-jCno